St. Peter's church began in 1878 when three women in the community organized the congregation. They were Mrs. Theresa Margaret Miller, Mrs. Mary Ann Witt and Mrs. Dena Billie. The congregation first met in the homes of the members of the church who lived on both sides of Bon Secour River.
In 1885, a frame church was built. Clergy came to the church from Mobile by sail boat to conduct services. Local laymen were licensed so that services could be held when clergy were not available.
The boats that brought the clergy had no set schedule so a signal system was devised. If a priest arrived by day , a flag was flown from a staff in the church yard and if by night a lantern was hung from the belfry. Church members came to services by "pulling" a skiff or by walking across the marsh on planks.
For 33 years a school operated by the church met the educational needs of the community. Then in 1928 the church burned to the ground. Photographs of the original building are prominently placed in the Parish Hall today. The present brick church was constructed in 1931. The Parish Hall was added in 1962, the rectory was built in 1967, and the other building were built in 1974 and 1982.
St. Peter's church became a Parish at the Annual Convention of the Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast in 1982. Ten years later in 1992, the church called its first full-time priest .
Priest-in- Charge: Reverend David Green
Secretary: Michelle Griffiths
Sexton: Jan Sidorovich
Senior Warden: William Griffiths
Maundy Thursday service April 17th at 5:00pm.
Good Friday service is April 18th at 12:00pm.